Even though I really hate lists, here are some reasons why "iBooks" sucks:
1. Not typeset. Maddening to read from line to line.
2. Little countdowns at the foot of the page, instead of page numbers, which take all the excitement out of reading and make it a chore with a clearly defined end-point.
3. Size limit chops up paragraphs that are meant to be read as one cohesive unit.
4. Page turning animations just make me nostalgic for real books but aren't as responsive as real paper.
5. Terrible selection of poetry on ibookstore.
6. Users are unable to buy books on their desktop iTunes or read books on the computer screen.
7. No notation method, eliminates marginalia.
8. You can't pass on iBooks to a friend or a child. You can't inscribe an iBook.
9. Featured titles selected by sales and broad appeal rather than quality or importance. "Top Charts" highlight bad books - the top paid book is called "Sh*t My Dad Says."
10. Hurts the business of physical bookstores, which may be massive corporations, but at least offer people a place to read and talk about books with other living, breathing people.